“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Justice, honesty, and respect don’t come naturally; they have to be learned.

Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister. He didn’t preach religion.

Mr. Rogers taught young children to Love their neighbors. He taught respect. It wasn’t an act. He didn’t speak down to a child. He gave honest answers to difficult questions; he spoke the truth.

“Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” – Mark 10:15


Danica Collins 06-27-2018

I believe one has the right to do business with whom they choose. To discriminate if they so wish.

If the staff doesn’t want to serve me due to my ethnicity, religion, gender, age, occupation, or political affiliation —- fine. Just let me know up front; post it at the door.

Many think those in business should be compelled by law to serve me. I don’t! I prefer to spend my money where I’m welcome. I prefer to know where I’m not. I don’t want to wonder if I should hire someone to taste my food before I eat it.



Danica Collins 11-30-2017Angela Lansbury photographed at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles.

The list of abusive males keeps growing. Sadly, it includes members of the Church, actors, politicians, comedians, athletes, teachers, news reporters, and corporate executives. The spirit of evil encourages those that have been entrusted with power to prey upon those without.

It isn’t surprising that actress Angela Lansbury would be criticized for saying that females “must sometimes take blame” for sexual harassment, stating that they often put too much emphasis on being attractive.

I can’t speak for Ms. Lansbury, but I think I understand what she meant.

It isn’t a sin to want to be attractive or to be attracted. The problem of harassment is an issue of disrespect.

Lewd remarks and licentious behavior are not the actions of a person who respects their fellow man. There is no excuse for forcing yourself sexually upon another; regardless of how they dress or act.

A man, a true man, would not do so.

To use sexuality as a tool for gain doesn’t need to employ force. Most wouldn’t call it harassment. Yet, it isn’t right, it isn’t respectful to one’s self.

A woman, a true woman, would not do so.



In the later part of life John Newton was a prestigious master minister in London. Loved and respected, an influence for Good who helped many find freedom from the slavery of sin.

John Newton had been a slave himself.

In his early life Newton repeatedly fell into temptation and contributed to the misery of others. At times, he was a perverted blasphemous man who thought God was the invention of killjoy religious fanatics.

Don’t be deceived by the old portrait, the story behind the image is a contemporary one; one we can relate to.

John Newton was a slave to sin who found freedom in the Mercy of Christ.




During and after the American Revolutionary War a large number of Tories moved north where they helped to build the nation of Canada.

I like Canada!

In some ways better, in some ways worse, Canada is not the United States. I’m glad it isn’t the United States; I’m happy for it to be Canada.

Al Sharpton – Barry Diller – Ruth Bader Ginsburg – George Lopez – Keegan-Michael Key – Whoopi Goldberg – Jon Stewart – Chelsea Handler – Amy Schumer – Ne-Yo – Barbara Streisand – Miley Cyrus – Cher – Natasha Lyonne – Neve Campbell – Lena Dunham – Samuel L. Jackson – Bryan Cranston and others threatened that if they didn’t get their way, if the candidate they supported for President lost the election, they were moving.

The United States apparently means so little to them that if it’s not their way it’s the highway.

Well, — Good-Bye!





A debate is taking place tonight. They’re calling it the debate of the century. I’m not so sure, I think I’ll give it a bit more time to judge. After all, 84% of the century hasn’t occurred yet. I’m expecting there will be significant events to come that might give challenge for the title. 

The candidates don’t fill me with optimism. I’m not sure I even want to vote; I feel like a passenger aboard a leaking boat.

But then I saw this photo and it reminded me there is a bigger picture.

A subject I won’t debate.