
The first lighting of America’s “National Christmas Tree” occurred on Christmas Eve in the year 1923. President Calvin Coolidge switched on the 2,500 red, white and green bulbs that illuminated the 48 foot balsam fir.

Not one for fanfare, Coolidge wanted the tree placed outside the grounds of the White House. He wished for it to be a neighborhood tree, a Community Tree that would serve in one’s own way the observance of Christmas.

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” – Calvin Coolidge





Seventy-five years ago today those were the code words transmitted back to the flagship Akagi to let Japanese command know that the surprise attack on the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii had been a success.

It was Mitsuo Fuchida who coordinated and led that aerial attack. His plane was hit by flak 21 times but he survived and became a national hero in Japan. Mitsuo also survived raids on the British in Darwin, Australia, and Ceylon. Toward the end of the war he was among a group sent to Hiroshima to assess damage the day after the first atomic bombing. Every member of that group died later from radiation poisoning, everyone except Fuchida, he didn’t even have any symptoms. It was if he were being saved for some purpose.

To the American, Jacob DeShazer, Fuchida was a murderer. DeShazer had vowed revenge as one of Doolittle’s Raiders that bombed Japan in 1942. DeShazer’s plane crashed, he was taken prisoner, and repeatedly tortured. Fellow crew members were executed, one starved to death, but DeShazer survived. It was as if he were being saved for some purpose.

DeShazer was given a Bible. Understanding that Christ forgave those who crucified Him caused DeShazer to vow that if he did not die he would return to Japan as a missionary.

After the war, Fuchida met a friend who had been held prisoner by the Americans. The friend told him about a young woman, Peggy Covell, who was the daughter of missionary parents killed by Japanese soldiers in the Philippines. She had survived and instead of being filled with hate Peggy had been kind to Japanese soldiers who were taken prisoner.

Fuchida was astonished that these two Christians had this ability to forgive. There aren’t a lot of Christians in Japan; sometimes it seems like there aren’t a lot of True Christians anywhere. Mitsuo Fuchida wanted to know more and when he did he became a Christian evangelist.





In the later part of life John Newton was a prestigious master minister in London. Loved and respected, an influence for Good who helped many find freedom from the slavery of sin.

John Newton had been a slave himself.

In his early life Newton repeatedly fell into temptation and contributed to the misery of others. At times, he was a perverted blasphemous man who thought God was the invention of killjoy religious fanatics.

Don’t be deceived by the old portrait, the story behind the image is a contemporary one; one we can relate to.

John Newton was a slave to sin who found freedom in the Mercy of Christ.





On the twenty-sixth of October, two thousand and sixteen, filmmaker Michael Moore, appearing on the MSNBC program “Hardball,” told Chris Matthews that being a Christian is the “same thing” as being a socialist. Matthews had stated that Hillary Clinton who the socialist Moore supports for President, isn’t a socialist. To which, Moore replied: “she’s a Christian, it’s the same thing.”

If Christianity and socialism are the same thing, wouldn’t all socialists be Christian?

Catherine Wallace, a humanist author, recently stated that Christians who interpret the Bible literally are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists. That they are radically racist and have a malignant point of view that stirs hatred and conflict with the rest of humanity.


I read the Bible; much of it I don’t fully understand. But, that which I do understand says that I am to Love God and my fellow man. I take that literally, I take God’s laws and His offer of mercy literally. If I Love my fellow man how can I hate humanity? It’s evil that hates humanity. My Bible literally says it is evil to hate humanity.

Ms. Wallace and Mr. Moore both speak of social justice and the sharing of the world’s resources. They claim that was what Jesus was all about. Making sure everyone has a seat at the table and gets a slice of the pie.

Jesus was the “word,” God’s message of forgiveness. His mercy is for anyone who will repent of their sins and accept His Love. God’s justice is focused on you as an individual. Doing the right thing gives you a seat at the table. If we all did the right thing there would be no need to worry about social justice.

Capitalism or socialism, Christ isn’t concerned about isms; isms belong to this world.

Christ is concerned about you.





Is it a symbol of Love or hate; acceptance or rejection, or is it a meaningless piece of jewelry?

It doesn’t seem logical to me that a person would reject Love. I’m not referring to romantic advances, I mean True Love. The Love of sacrifice, friendship and forgiveness.

Christ Loves; not only those who Love Him but also those who reject. It’s human to feel hurt when rejected. Jesus was human.

He doesn’t force us to accept, it would mean nothing if He did. Love can only be offered.

I’m not picky; I accept the Love of those of other faiths, if they offer it. I have room to add it to what I have.

If those of other faiths offer Christ their Love I don’t believe He’ll reject it either.




Danica Collins 08-11-2016

Above is a fragment of a copy of a letter.  In Greek, the letter only contained 335 words. It was written to the Christian Colossian Philemon. It came from Paul along with Timothy. They write in regards to Philemon’s runaway servant Onesimus.  

The letter became a small book in my Bible titled “Philemon.” It only takes a short time to read; if one is motivated to read.

Perhaps you don’t have a Bible, so I’ll give you my abridged interpretation.

Paul is in prison, Onesimus is a slave. Both are men who have been transformed by belief in Christ. To be a true Christian you must be transformed by faith. Paul believes Philemon is a true Christian who will accept Onesimus back to his home as a brother. 

The letter doesn’t convey a complicated message. It doesn’t require a lot of study. You don’t need a theologian to explain it to you.

Through the mercy of Christ we are all set free, we are all brothers who must Love one another.