Danica Collins 08-18-2018John Charles Dollman

Photo credit: Brighton and Hove Museums and Art Galleries

The desire for wealth tempted me to sin. With wealth, I could buy what I wanted and there was quite a bit I wanted.

That was yesterday.

I don’t know when or how, the hour or the date. But what I wanted yesterday, I no longer care about today.



Danica Collins 07-13-2018

Solomon Islands, May 24, 1944

At 1,000 yards my .50-calibers are deadly. I know just where they strike. I cannot miss.

Now he is out of the water, but he does not run. The beach is wide. He cannot make the cover of trees. He is centered in my sight. My finger tightens on the trigger. A touch and he will crumple on the coral sand.

But he disdains to run. He strides across the beach. Each step carries dignity and courage in its timing. He is not an ordinary man. The shot is too easy. His bearing, his stride, his dignity — there is something in them that has formed a bond between us. His life is worth more than the pressure of a trigger. I do not want to see him crumple on the beach.

World War II Journal of Charles A. Lindbergh



Danica Collins 06-27-2018

I believe one has the right to do business with whom they choose. To discriminate if they so wish.

If the staff doesn’t want to serve me due to my ethnicity, religion, gender, age, occupation, or political affiliation —- fine. Just let me know up front; post it at the door.

Many think those in business should be compelled by law to serve me. I don’t! I prefer to spend my money where I’m welcome. I prefer to know where I’m not. I don’t want to wonder if I should hire someone to taste my food before I eat it.



Danica Collins 05-10-2018

His show celebrated decency and values; he did it with comedy.

Unfortunately, decency and values were just a show.

Athletes, movie stars, millionaires, billionaires, political and religious leaders, male and female. If you view them as role models be prepared for disappointment.

There is only one true role model that will not disappoint; God’s Christ.

Just because I’m not facing time in prison I shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking I’m Good.

I’m not Good, I’m guilty.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. – Matthew 6:14

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

Evil uses pride and ego to great effectiveness. If I’m unwilling to forgive others and acknowledge, repent and accept the forgiveness of my own sins I won’t have learned anything from disappointment.



Danica Collins 05-03-2018

I may have seen her, I’m not sure? I don’t recognize her. Until a couple of days ago I would have had no idea who Pamela Gidley was. Only 52 years old when she died. An article in the newspaper “The Sun” said she was an actress who had once been hailed as the most beautiful woman in the world.

We each have our own criteria for judging beauty. I don’t think you could find agreement as to one being the most in the world.

The story went on to say that in 2012 she had left the glamour of Hollywood to care for a brother who had become ill.

She likely met his criteria.



Danica Collins 04-07-2018

It was likely the Dutch that brought them to America. It was the Dutch who for many years served as our connection to Japan.

The meaning of the Monkeys is said to be found in Japanese Koshin belief.

They have names: Mizaru sees no evil, Kikazaru hears no evil, Iwazaru speaks no evil.

My impression was that the Monkeys were foolish, that they symbolize failure to take responsibility for one’s conduct.

Those were my monkeys.

Others, say the Monkeys are wise; wise because they avoid evil. They wish to have nothing to do with evil.

There’s little doubt that, at times, I’m foolish; but, I may have misjudged the Monkeys.



Danica Collins 02-03-2018

If God is Love, why would He send me to Hell?

As best I understand, Hell is a place of separation; separation from all that is Good.

I’ve broken God’s laws. It’s only necessary to break a law once to be guilty; I’ve done so more than once.

It isn’t God’s Love that causes me to sin; it’s God’s Love that offers mercy and forgiveness of my sins.

Love offers a future free from evil. Evil wants me to ignore that offer and go another way.

If I’m going to Hell it won’t be Love that sends me. That decision is mine.