Danica Collins 06-27-2018

I believe one has the right to do business with whom they choose. To discriminate if they so wish.

If the staff doesn’t want to serve me due to my ethnicity, religion, gender, age, occupation, or political affiliation —- fine. Just let me know up front; post it at the door.

Many think those in business should be compelled by law to serve me. I don’t! I prefer to spend my money where I’m welcome. I prefer to know where I’m not. I don’t want to wonder if I should hire someone to taste my food before I eat it.



Located in mid-northern Indiana is a town called Marion. Named for the Swamp Fox of Revolutionary Days; it’s just an hour and a half drive away. A place not much different from where I live. The people there seem pretty much like me.

In the summer of 1930, Claude Deeter was murdered in Marion during a robbery attempt. Three black teenagers, Thomas Shipp, Abram Smith, and James Cameron were arrested and charged. James claimed he’d had a change of heart and run away before Deeter was killed.

The suspects, quickly apprehended, were in jail. There was no reason for anyone to believe justice would not be served through due process of the Rule of Law.

How does one explain mass insanity?

Some estimated the crowd, which included women and children, to be as large as fifteen thousand in number. Fifteen from a county with a population of maybe fifty. Most of that fifteen likely thought of themselves as Christian. Yet, in whose name had they gathered; in whose justice did they trust?

Motivated by darkness, they were there to do murder. To: hang ’em on a tree!

The mob broke into the jail and extracted the three. One by one, they brutally beat and hung Shipp, then Smith. Cameron, about to die, prayed to God that his sins would be forgiven. With the rope starting to burn into his neck, James heard a voice say: he is not guilty. Suddenly, the noise, the frenzy of evil ended, and all became still; the rope removed.

In various accounts of the event, some said it was the voice of a woman, others claim it was a man; according to James, it came from above.


Danica Collins 02-10-2018

The Arabic letter nun, pronounced “noon,” is the alphabetic equivalent to the Roman letter “N.”

Much the same as when the Nazis painted the Star of David on the homes and businesses of Jews; ISIS Islamist use the letter nun to identify the home or business of a Nazarene. A warning of impending death.

Whatever one’s faith, for those who do not hate, noon has become a symbol of solidarity, a sign of Love for the people who are Nazarene.


Danica Collins 06-05-2017

An actor of note, John Wilkes Booth’s performances often received rave reviews. At least they did until the evening he murdered President Abraham Lincoln.

It’s difficult to know what’s in another person’s heart; so, when Kathy Griffin displayed a picture of herself as an ISIS style executioner it was reasonable to expect that the United States Secret Service would take note.

Ms. Griffin was apparently only seeking favor from Trump haters with a foolish publicity stunt. It likely came as a surprise when many criticized her for going too far.

An apology of sorts was issued. It failed to stop the consequences. Although, she wasn’t charged with any crime she hired a lawyer, held a press conference and played the part of the victim.

Kathy’s poor behavior was the President’s fault. Now old white men wanted to end her career. She was exercising her first amendment right to free speech. It was her job as a comedian to push the line.

I’m familiar with that line; there are people who push it every day.

The ISIS photo isn’t the first time Ms. Griffin has pushed the line. In September of 2007, she accepted an award from the Academy of Television and Sciences. She didn’t acknowledge God as playing any part in her success, instead, she said Jesus could “suck it” and claimed that the award was now her god.

I have no idea if Kathy Griffin’s career is over. Her career is of no importance to me. Her spirit is. I pray that she will experience enough pain, just enough to cause her to reflect upon her attitude toward God. That she will apologize to Him and accept His forgiveness.

Otherwise, one day she will cross the line.


Danica Collins 11-04-15

Freud defined hate as the wish to destroy that which makes you unhappy. My question is: what causes unhappiness? Why for example would the amount of melanin contained in one person’s skin cells make another person unhappy? 

I believe it is evil that makes us unhappy, evil uses insecurity, fear, anxiety and jealousy. It’s evil that causes us to covet relationships, success, wealth, and material things. It was evil that told Cain to murder Abel.

I hate evil!