What is the source of my identity? What unifies me with my fellow man? Can there be contrast without conflict? What do we have in common?

Do I believe or do I not?

To chose to believe won’t make my life easier. God does things in unconventional ways; He’ll ask me to do difficult things.

Christianity is hard.


Danica Collins 08-04-2018

Agapan Love is God’s Love for humankind.

Agape is not the love of personal attachment, attraction, or desire. Agape is divine, unselfish and kind; it is truth and justice. It is concern for the good of others.

Agape is the language of God.

To learn Agape you must know your heart. It is spoken from the heart.

Not everyone will learn it. Many have no desire to hear or speak it.

I don’t wish for my heart to be both deaf and dumb.

To communicate with God I have to speak His language.



“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Justice, honesty, and respect don’t come naturally; they have to be learned.

Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister. He didn’t preach religion.

Mr. Rogers taught young children to Love their neighbors. He taught respect. It wasn’t an act. He didn’t speak down to a child. He gave honest answers to difficult questions; he spoke the truth.

“Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” – Mark 10:15


Danica Collins 07-19-2018

My body can’t survive for very long without nourishment; it needs food and water. Next, to breathing, eating is the most fundamental thing I do. When I was primitive searching for and preparing food occupied most of my day. It’s what I would post to my wall back then.

Agriculture has provided me with more free time. More time to think if I so wish. Still, fundamentally, survival is about all being physical amounts to.

However, there is a connection to another dimension. One I can not see; yet, I know is there. I know I’m more than physical, I’m also a spiritual being and my spirit requires nourishment as well.

My spirit feeds on Love; without Love, it would die.


Danica Collins 07-01-2018

Part of the neighborhood for several years, it’s a nice cat. Unless you happen to be a squirrel or bird.

Being nice is different from being kind. Kindness is not part of a cat’s DNA; or mine, for that matter. It can be encouraged, but, kindness isn’t inherited; it isn’t part of our physical nature.

Kindness has a spiritual source. Kindness is Love. Kindness has compassion, mercy, and concern.

Kindness isn’t always accepted as nice.



It’s Laurel! How can others not hear what I hear? The explanation for the phenomenon is said to be in how we perceive sound frequencies.

When God’s Word speaks to my heart I hear Love and forgiveness. However, those tuned to another frequency, hear intolerance and judgment.

It’s true, my God is intolerant and judgmental when it comes to right and wrong; Good and evil.

God speaks to me about my behavior. Although He is intolerant of my wrongdoing, His Word says He Loves me and is willing to forgive and forget if I have the sincere desire to change.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t hear what I hear?


Danica Collins 05-17-2018

Years ago Stephen King wrote a book about an automobile that was possessed by a satanic spirit. I found it more silly than frighting.

However, the idea of a human being possessed by a demon is not silly to me.

The Gospels of the New Testament tell of Jesus’ encounters with demon spirits. Christ not only healed the sick He was also an exorcist of demons.

Whenever we are motivated to do Good I believe it is God speaking to us. Acts of kindness and Love are an indication of the influence of His Holy Spirit.

Evil also speaks and sometimes I listen; it’s frighting how often that I do.



Danica Collins 05-10-2018

His show celebrated decency and values; he did it with comedy.

Unfortunately, decency and values were just a show.

Athletes, movie stars, millionaires, billionaires, political and religious leaders, male and female. If you view them as role models be prepared for disappointment.

There is only one true role model that will not disappoint; God’s Christ.

Just because I’m not facing time in prison I shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking I’m Good.

I’m not Good, I’m guilty.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. – Matthew 6:14

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

Evil uses pride and ego to great effectiveness. If I’m unwilling to forgive others and acknowledge, repent and accept the forgiveness of my own sins I won’t have learned anything from disappointment.