It’s Laurel! How can others not hear what I hear? The explanation for the phenomenon is said to be in how we perceive sound frequencies.

When God’s Word speaks to my heart I hear Love and forgiveness. However, those tuned to another frequency, hear intolerance and judgment.

It’s true, my God is intolerant and judgmental when it comes to right and wrong; Good and evil.

God speaks to me about my behavior. Although He is intolerant of my wrongdoing, His Word says He Loves me and is willing to forgive and forget if I have the sincere desire to change.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t hear what I hear?


Danica Collins 05-10-2018

His show celebrated decency and values; he did it with comedy.

Unfortunately, decency and values were just a show.

Athletes, movie stars, millionaires, billionaires, political and religious leaders, male and female. If you view them as role models be prepared for disappointment.

There is only one true role model that will not disappoint; God’s Christ.

Just because I’m not facing time in prison I shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking I’m Good.

I’m not Good, I’m guilty.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. – Matthew 6:14

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

Evil uses pride and ego to great effectiveness. If I’m unwilling to forgive others and acknowledge, repent and accept the forgiveness of my own sins I won’t have learned anything from disappointment.



Danica Collins 11-30-2017Angela Lansbury photographed at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles.

The list of abusive males keeps growing. Sadly, it includes members of the Church, actors, politicians, comedians, athletes, teachers, news reporters, and corporate executives. The spirit of evil encourages those that have been entrusted with power to prey upon those without.

It isn’t surprising that actress Angela Lansbury would be criticized for saying that females “must sometimes take blame” for sexual harassment, stating that they often put too much emphasis on being attractive.

I can’t speak for Ms. Lansbury, but I think I understand what she meant.

It isn’t a sin to want to be attractive or to be attracted. The problem of harassment is an issue of disrespect.

Lewd remarks and licentious behavior are not the actions of a person who respects their fellow man. There is no excuse for forcing yourself sexually upon another; regardless of how they dress or act.

A man, a true man, would not do so.

To use sexuality as a tool for gain doesn’t need to employ force. Most wouldn’t call it harassment. Yet, it isn’t right, it isn’t respectful to one’s self.

A woman, a true woman, would not do so.


Danica Collins 08-05-2017

In the book of Romans Paul says no one really follows God’s laws, that no one even truly wants to.

That’s because none of us are “Good.” Ministers, priests, rabbis, imans, swamis, that guy who risked his life to save two kids and a dog from a burning house, — NONE! None includes you and more to the point, it includes me.

I’ve never had any difficulty finding fault with others. Truth forces me to concede that I’m no better. But, surely the Pope, the Dalai Lama, some of us must be good enough.

Unfortunately, there is no door marked “good enough.” To enter a world without evil I have to be without sin.

I know His laws; that knowledge warns me that judgment isn’t going to rule in my favor.

If that’s the case, I might as well believe in nothing. I’m just another grain of sand washed upon an endless beach. Life is pointless.

I’d need a substantial supply of opioids to pursue that line of thought.

I do have purpose. I know I’m not Good, but I know where it comes from, I know where to find it.

That old book tells me there is a way. A way to avoid judgment. The way to gain entry is to be declared “not guilty.”

I have faith in the Love and Mercy of “The Way.”


Danica Collins 06-05-2017

An actor of note, John Wilkes Booth’s performances often received rave reviews. At least they did until the evening he murdered President Abraham Lincoln.

It’s difficult to know what’s in another person’s heart; so, when Kathy Griffin displayed a picture of herself as an ISIS style executioner it was reasonable to expect that the United States Secret Service would take note.

Ms. Griffin was apparently only seeking favor from Trump haters with a foolish publicity stunt. It likely came as a surprise when many criticized her for going too far.

An apology of sorts was issued. It failed to stop the consequences. Although, she wasn’t charged with any crime she hired a lawyer, held a press conference and played the part of the victim.

Kathy’s poor behavior was the President’s fault. Now old white men wanted to end her career. She was exercising her first amendment right to free speech. It was her job as a comedian to push the line.

I’m familiar with that line; there are people who push it every day.

The ISIS photo isn’t the first time Ms. Griffin has pushed the line. In September of 2007, she accepted an award from the Academy of Television and Sciences. She didn’t acknowledge God as playing any part in her success, instead, she said Jesus could “suck it” and claimed that the award was now her god.

I have no idea if Kathy Griffin’s career is over. Her career is of no importance to me. Her spirit is. I pray that she will experience enough pain, just enough to cause her to reflect upon her attitude toward God. That she will apologize to Him and accept His forgiveness.

Otherwise, one day she will cross the line.



The story told, in John 4: 1-42, of the Samaritan woman Jesus talked to at Jacob’s well, is an unusual one. It isn’t the kind of story you’d write if your goal was to gain approval in that time. A time when Jews hated and would never think of speaking to a Samaritan.

It would have been typical of women in the Samaritan village to gather together when they drew water. An opportunity for friendly conversation.

However, this woman had a reputation. She comes to the well alone at the hottest time of day, a time others would avoid.

It wasn’t chance that Christ chose to walk her way.

He knew she had desire.



Seventy-five years ago today those were the code words transmitted back to the flagship Akagi to let Japanese command know that the surprise attack on the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii had been a success.

It was Mitsuo Fuchida who coordinated and led that aerial attack. His plane was hit by flak 21 times but he survived and became a national hero in Japan. Mitsuo also survived raids on the British in Darwin, Australia, and Ceylon. Toward the end of the war he was among a group sent to Hiroshima to assess damage the day after the first atomic bombing. Every member of that group died later from radiation poisoning, everyone except Fuchida, he didn’t even have any symptoms. It was if he were being saved for some purpose.

To the American, Jacob DeShazer, Fuchida was a murderer. DeShazer had vowed revenge as one of Doolittle’s Raiders that bombed Japan in 1942. DeShazer’s plane crashed, he was taken prisoner, and repeatedly tortured. Fellow crew members were executed, one starved to death, but DeShazer survived. It was as if he were being saved for some purpose.

DeShazer was given a Bible. Understanding that Christ forgave those who crucified Him caused DeShazer to vow that if he did not die he would return to Japan as a missionary.

After the war, Fuchida met a friend who had been held prisoner by the Americans. The friend told him about a young woman, Peggy Covell, who was the daughter of missionary parents killed by Japanese soldiers in the Philippines. She had survived and instead of being filled with hate Peggy had been kind to Japanese soldiers who were taken prisoner.

Fuchida was astonished that these two Christians had this ability to forgive. There aren’t a lot of Christians in Japan; sometimes it seems like there aren’t a lot of True Christians anywhere. Mitsuo Fuchida wanted to know more and when he did he became a Christian evangelist.