
I have a taste for isoamyl acetate. To be honest, it’s close to an addiction. I consume it every day. Hooked when I was a kid; my supplier back then was “Big Mike” from Central America.

Big Mike was said to have changed the pattern of the rain, moved the river from where it’d been and hired assassins with machetes. When Big Mike bought the farm Miss Chiquita took the business.

The path of reason wasn’t followed because I have an addiction, I have a taste for isoamyl acetate.




Danica Collins 08-29-2016

Real Time with Bill Maher

It isn’t that I don’t know them, it isn’t that I’ve never said them. There are times I’ve gone nuclear. That’s when they come out; they spew forth when I lose control. When I lose control to the evil within me.

Respect is closely related to Love. Disrespect is closely related to hate.

I realize crude words are often spoken without meaning, but when people speak hate, they almost always use crude words.

I’m not sophisticated; not even close. However, I don’t wish to be perceived as hateful or crude.

Comedians often inject crudeness to get a laugh or to be perceived as being “real.” I’m not performing a comedy act. It would be fake if I altered my “realness” to suit the audience; a “G” rated version for children, “R” rated for adults.

The adults might think me real but children would learn; children would learn I was a phony.

Jesus said, “A man’s heart determines his speech.” – Matthew 12:34




Danica Collins 08-24=2016

That’s what science does; it studies and collects data. Seems simple, sounds pure, just tell us the facts.

They say unlike other religions you can trust Scientism because it’s based on fact, not faith.


Scientism has a record that says it hasn’t always been worthy of my trust. Scientist once supported the finding that female thinking was biologically inferior to male thinking. Their studies established that the Caucasian race was superior to other races. That Phrenology and Eugenics could be used to perfect mankind.

For humans to interpret data they must inject human judgment. I’m not a scientist, I’m not a believer in Phrenology. I think their brains work pretty much like mine. They’re human and human judgment is often influenced by political, religious and philosophical views; personal biases.

For me to make a decision regarding right or wrong I need more than data; data alone is too myopic. I need greater understanding, I need guidance.

I have a bias. I have faith in God. To use science for Good I believe it must be tested by faith in God.

Many don’t like by bias, they don’t share my view; they say faith is an inhibiting factor.

I agree! That’s what I want. I want faith to inhibit science’s ability to do evil.

One of the major problems regarding the development of artificial intelligence is how will it make moral decisions? Will Scientism be its’ religion; the religion of rational thinking? The religion of those who claim they have no religion and believe it inhibits scientific advancement. Those who believe uninhibited rational thinking can fix anything; that logic is the key to building a Utopian world.

I’m skeptical. My bias tells me to be skeptical.




Danica Collins 06-15-2016

There are 195 countries in our world. I wouldn’t be able to name them. Several perhaps, but not all. Probably couldn’t find some; even with a globe. Those that have been around for a long time, those are fairly easy, others not so much. They all have people. People – I might like.

According to the “Global Peace Index” only 10: Botswana, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, Mauritius, Panama, Qatar, Switzerland, Uruguay and Vietnam are not involved in some sort of conflict.

Out of the 195 there are only 10 currently at peace. The United States fought wars with 2 of those not so long ago. One, I remember quite well.

I don’t wish to sound pessimistic, but in terms of peaceful co-existence I question that the human race is any more advanced than when Cain slay Abel.

I don’t recall what Cain used to kill Abel when they took that walk into the field. I don’t believe Genesis said. It might have been a rock or as his name would suggest, a stick; Cain may have murdered Abel with a spear. Thousands upon thousands of years, knowledge, methods and weapons have all evolved.

Evil has pretty much stayed the same.



Danica Collins 06-08-2016

We all have a part that’s been given us to play.

“Given,” that’s what I believe; I believe in a creator. Many have a similar belief, others don’t. I might not be correct. I know I’m not politically correct. To be politically correct I’d have to be silent; silent like a mouse. 

I’d have to be willing to erase my name from the book of life. 

Even among those of us who do believe there are variations of opinion, in purpose and result.

We share history, but the nature of God defined by Islam is not the nature of my God. My God’s Holy Spirit does not guide me to hate. My God had a son who gave His Word of Love, mercy, forgiveness and salvation.

Allah may be a more accurate name for God, I could easily convert to the use of that name. But, if I did I’d be misunderstood because the god of Islam has no son. The Jesus of Islam professes that what was told to me was a lie; now he claims to tell the truth. It’s too late. I gave a vow, I am wed to Christ. A vow to my God is no minor thing. To break it would be adultery.

The Jesus of Islam sends “jihadi junkies” to correct his mistake. The mistake of having lied to me about Love, mercy and forgiveness. These aren’t Christ’s disciples that tell of hope, but assassins whose minds are fogged by dope.

The Jesus of Islam doesn’t Love me.



Danica Collins 06-06-2016

A group of Michigan Satanists

Today is a special day for Satanists. That’s what I’m told. I’m told 6-6-16 is the reason why. From the Book of Revelation, 666 is the number of the beast. They say they place their faith in knowledge, that’s why they worship the beast.

Yet, that doesn’t make sense to me; 6616 is not 666. By my calculation the date 6-6-6 Anno Domini occurred 2,010 years ago. What makes today extra ordinary?  Is it the anniversary of something evil? I assume that’s what a Satanist would celebrate. Something more than just ordinarily bad.

I don’t automatically associate 666 with the demonic. For instance: the account number assigned to me by the electric company, the number written on the bill requesting payment that’s here in front of me, it contains the numerals 666. —- (That may not have been the best example.)

Okay, I do believe in demons. I take demons seriously; I don’t invite them into my house and I don’t play games with them.

I don’t want to be possessed. I don’t want their knowledge; I don’t need their help to be bad. 

I must admit a degree of ignorance concerning demons. Despite the claim that knowledge is their guide I’m pretty confident Satanists don’t understand them either.



A person who has not yet found or who has rejected faith in God’s Truth is transcendent and confused because the laws of God are not subjective. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. – Proverbs 14:12

I don’t think of myself as religious in a traditional sense. I don’t participate in organized ceremony. I don’t have membership in a church. To quote a Bible verse, such as I did above, I have to refer to the text. I’m not saying any of that is a good thing, I’m just describing me.

What I am is a member of “The Church.” I place my faith in Christ, the way of Christ is my religion.

If you watched her testimony, her other videos or read her blog you’ll learn that Beth came to faith along a different path. I don’t know her and her perspective is not identical to mine. Although we may not think exactly the same, all True Christians are sinners who now share Love for God, we have faith that Jesus is God’s Christ.

Oh! — And another thing — We Love You too!

I could have a dozen Bibles, quote them verse for verse from memory. I could string a cross around my neck, bless babies and small dogs. That would all be fine, maybe even Good, but you are the key, you put acid to the test.

The tell is that any one claiming to be Christian who doesn’t Love You is not a Christian; they still live in darkness.

They are morally confused!


I’ve experienced bad things, I’ve experienced them for no apparent reason.

Have bad things happened to you? Do you know anyone, be they family or friends, who have never suffered?

The rich, the powerful, surely they must escape.

Billions upon billions, from those living in Cheboygon to Kathmandu of Nepal. What are the odds it would be common?

Common to us all?