Danica Collins 06-27-2018

I believe one has the right to do business with whom they choose. To discriminate if they so wish.

If the staff doesn’t want to serve me due to my ethnicity, religion, gender, age, occupation, or political affiliation —- fine. Just let me know up front; post it at the door.

Many think those in business should be compelled by law to serve me. I don’t! I prefer to spend my money where I’m welcome. I prefer to know where I’m not. I don’t want to wonder if I should hire someone to taste my food before I eat it.



In a TODAY show interview broadcast on Monday, June 04, 2018, former president Bill Clinton seemed to indicate that HeToo had been a victim of sexual harassment; leaving the Whitehouse $16,000,000 in debt for legal fees acquired from having to defend himself against such accusations. That his conduct was simply comparable to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Clinton further stated that he had apologized to everybody in the World and two-thirds of the American people sided with him.

I was among the other third; my memories are somewhat different.



Danica Collins 05-10-2018

His show celebrated decency and values; he did it with comedy.

Unfortunately, decency and values were just a show.

Athletes, movie stars, millionaires, billionaires, political and religious leaders, male and female. If you view them as role models be prepared for disappointment.

There is only one true role model that will not disappoint; God’s Christ.

Just because I’m not facing time in prison I shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking I’m Good.

I’m not Good, I’m guilty.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. – Matthew 6:14

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

Evil uses pride and ego to great effectiveness. If I’m unwilling to forgive others and acknowledge, repent and accept the forgiveness of my own sins I won’t have learned anything from disappointment.



Danica Collins 04-07-2018

It was likely the Dutch that brought them to America. It was the Dutch who for many years served as our connection to Japan.

The meaning of the Monkeys is said to be found in Japanese Koshin belief.

They have names: Mizaru sees no evil, Kikazaru hears no evil, Iwazaru speaks no evil.

My impression was that the Monkeys were foolish, that they symbolize failure to take responsibility for one’s conduct.

Those were my monkeys.

Others, say the Monkeys are wise; wise because they avoid evil. They wish to have nothing to do with evil.

There’s little doubt that, at times, I’m foolish; but, I may have misjudged the Monkeys.



Danica Collins 03-26-2018

Stephanie Clifford, an opportunistic prostitute from California, says there’s a rat in the Whitehouse.

Is that news worthy?

Ms. Clifford has made a living as a pied piper of sorts; she has a skill for trapping rats.

Washington DC is infested with educated rodents, it’s what I believe is referred to as a “mischief.”

During my lifetime several rats have taken up residence in the Whitehouse.

It hasn’t always been apparent at first, but, in this case I knew what we were getting. You see, the choice was split between a “buck” and a “dam.”



Danica Collins 11-30-2017Angela Lansbury photographed at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles.

The list of abusive males keeps growing. Sadly, it includes members of the Church, actors, politicians, comedians, athletes, teachers, news reporters, and corporate executives. The spirit of evil encourages those that have been entrusted with power to prey upon those without.

It isn’t surprising that actress Angela Lansbury would be criticized for saying that females “must sometimes take blame” for sexual harassment, stating that they often put too much emphasis on being attractive.

I can’t speak for Ms. Lansbury, but I think I understand what she meant.

It isn’t a sin to want to be attractive or to be attracted. The problem of harassment is an issue of disrespect.

Lewd remarks and licentious behavior are not the actions of a person who respects their fellow man. There is no excuse for forcing yourself sexually upon another; regardless of how they dress or act.

A man, a true man, would not do so.

To use sexuality as a tool for gain doesn’t need to employ force. Most wouldn’t call it harassment. Yet, it isn’t right, it isn’t respectful to one’s self.

A woman, a true woman, would not do so.


Danica Collins 11-18-2017

Almost every day I hear of some well known person wandering into the Territory of Inappropriate Behavior.

With sexual innuendo for a guide, they don’t seem to care where the road takes them.

Having failed to follow Good directions they now find it difficult to remember when it was that they reached the border; when they crossed the line.