Faith in Christ may not offer much to those who are convinced they have already found happiness. Those who have achieved purpose and satisfaction through accumulation. Those who count their winnings without doubt or concern.

Christianity is for those who have sorrows and regrets. Christ’s Love is for those of us who would otherwise be losers.

Christ’s Love is for sinners; sinners like me.


Danica Collins 02-24-2018

A woman of mystery, the canonical Gospels proclaim that Mary Magdalene was among several women from Galilee that followed Jesus and helped support his teaching. She was the first to give testament to His resurrection. Apocryphal and Gnostic writings of the 2nd and 3rd centuries say that Jesus loved her and gave her special knowledge. The Cathars considered her to be a spiritual leader equal to Peter. There have even been code readers of recent times who claim she was Jesus’ wife.

Over generations, legends and interpretations have been added, embellished upon, and subtracted by various factions within and outside Christendom.

Pope Gregory I, five hundred and some years after those who actually would have known, proclaimed that Mary Magdalene was the prostitute of Luke 7:36-50, the woman often regarded as being one and the same with Mary of Bethany in John 11:1-2.

A repentant sinner, Mary became the patron saint of wayward women. Headstrong, stubborn, undisciplined, and perverse women.

Perhaps the Pope was correct, perhaps he wasn’t. The Eastern Orthodox and many in the West never bought into the composite Mary story.

Never-the-less, Mary Magdalene is the poster girl for penitence.

A requirement of an Apostle, a Pope, every male or female who no longer wishes to remain perverted, every true disciple of Christ, from the first century to the current, must all follow Mary’s example.