
In a TODAY show interview broadcast on Monday, June 04, 2018, former president Bill Clinton seemed to indicate that HeToo had been a victim of sexual harassment; leaving the Whitehouse $16,000,000 in debt for legal fees acquired from having to defend himself against such accusations. That his conduct was simply comparable to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Clinton further stated that he had apologized to everybody in the World and two-thirds of the American people sided with him.

I was among the other third; my memories are somewhat different.



The most distant star, so far observed, is said to be nine billion light-years from Earth.

A day of light from that star, seen today, occurred nine billion years ago. The star itself may no longer exist.

It’s apparent to me that I don’t know very much.

The gaps in my understanding are filled with faith in Love. I think those without faith must have a good deal more knowledge. Otherwise, when the weather turns foul it could get rather drafty.

I believe in design and creation; however, I see no reason why a design could not have been created to evolve. I just don’t see how it could evolve if it was never created.



Danica Collins 04-15-2018

I’d have no need for faith if I had answers to all my questions.

Hell is typically depicted as a place of physical torture. The thought of being sentenced to eternal torture raises a question in my mind: what purpose would it serve?

The Pope added voice to the idea that the damned will simply cease to exist. His words might be a comfort to an atheist; it’s pretty much what they claim to believe. You die and that’s it. For those too proud to accept forgiveness, why would it need to be more than that?

Yet, Christ did give a warning, I don’t think it advisable to ignore His warnings.

Jesus was subjected to extreme physical torture. I’m a bit of a wimp; if given a choice, I might choose nonexistence over crucifixion.

I fear physical pain. However, What Jesus’ spirit suffered was worse than physical pain. He was simply one of three crucified that very day. What was unique with Christ was that He took the sins of mankind upon Himself; it was when He took on our sins that He cried out: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” It wasn’t a cry of anguish over death; He knew He would be resurrected. What Jesus had never experienced was separation from the Father. Taking our sins upon Himself caused separation from the Father.

I think that broke His heart.

Nonexistence is not Hell. Nonexistence is the hope of most who commit suicide. I have no fear of passing into nonexistence; how would I even know that I had?

What I fear would be continued existence separated from God and all that is Good.

Wouldn’t that be Hell?