Danica Collins 03-26-2018

Stephanie Clifford, an opportunistic prostitute from California, says there’s a rat in the Whitehouse.

Is that news worthy?

Ms. Clifford has made a living as a pied piper of sorts; she has a skill for trapping rats.

Washington DC is infested with educated rodents, it’s what I believe is referred to as a “mischief.”

During my lifetime several rats have taken up residence in the Whitehouse.

It hasn’t always been apparent at first, but, in this case I knew what we were getting. You see, the choice was split between a “buck” and a “dam.”



Danica Collins 05-20-2017

That’s the claim. The Chairman of the Workers’ Party of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Jong-un, is crazy.


Kim is an atheist; in my opinion, his actions are logical. Logical for an atheist. He’s not one to go around talking about doing this or that for the future good of mankind. The future good?  Why would he be concerned about the future? Why would he care about good? For him there is no such thing as good nor is there a future.

For an atheist to be concerned about the future, that would be insane.

Whatever entertains him in the here and now. That’s all there is.  

There’s not much one person can do without the backing of others. Others made Kim their supreme leader. If you’re supreme there’s no authority higher than yourself; you and you alone determine what’s right, what’s wrong. Family, his fellow man, you or me, the point of our existence is to serve Kim. We are expendable.

If more of us were like Kim Jong-un, with faith only in ourselves, I suppose there would be those who would claim the World was unhinged.


Danica Collins 03-16-2017

Those considering a trip to the United States might be concerned for their safety because millions of Americans own weapons.

FBI statistics from recent years indicate that the number of people killed in the U.S. annually with rifles and this includes all types of rifles from single shot 22s to military style AR-15s and AK-47s, are in the range of 400 or so.

I should also warn that the number of people bludgeoned to death with hammers and clubs annually is a little over 600. It might be a good idea to stay clear of carpenters, baseball players, and golfers.

Then there are the 1,500 or more that will be murdered with knives. Knives are commonly found in restaurants and kitchens. Keep that in mind when dinning.

The biggest threat is handguns. Two out of every three people killed with handguns in the U.S. are suicides. Something to consider if feeling a bit depressed.

For those who decide to visit anyway my final recommendation would be to avoid gun-free zones. That’s where 98% of mass-murders take place.

Gun-Free Zones.



It is said that the United States is a nation of immigrants. No it isn’t, most Americans were born here. It’s true that we all have ancestors that were immigrants, but that would apply to people living in almost any nation. Even the ancestors of the Native Americans came from someplace else.

Those first people didn’t come to see Niagara Falls and then decided: what a great place, let’s stay. At the time they came Niagara Falls hadn’t been built yet.

By the time the Europeans arrived the New World was only new to them, millions of people already lived here. Spread over two continents, one North, one South, it is estimated that there were as many people as lived in Europe at the time.

To the natives, the Europeans were fascinating; what with their ivory skin, strange clothing, religions and peculiar languages. Most of all there were the toys, they had several neat toys. On-the-other-hand they were a bit pushy. Too pushy, it became an invasion. The native people were unable to control their borders; they lost their homes, their cultures and their way of life.

Christoper Columbus is not celebrated among those nations. That symbol of welcome in New York’s harbor, the image of Lady Liberty is not the image of a Native American woman.

Over the recent centuries the majority of America’s immigrants came to escape famine, wars, poverty, religious or political persecution. For the most part, these people were no better or worse than the natives. Some had been expelled from prisons or poorhouses, others were brought here by force to be slaves. 

America was a rough place with a lot of hostility. I suppose in that sense not much different than anywhere else. A solid foundation was laid, but labor was needed to continue the construction, so, its’ borders were fairly open.

Today, I’m aware of no country that has completely open borders. If you can’t control your borders you’ll eventually lose control of your nation. Some think that would be good, instead of individual nations we should all be united in a sort of Star Trek Federation.

If evil were eliminated then there could be a universal federation of Good such as described in the Book of Revelation. Until then it might be wise to keep the borders.

Today, there are two ways you can attempt to gain permanent residence in the United States; you can do so legally or illegally. Those who respect our laws and culture often make better Americans than those who were born here.

Perhaps we could arrange a trade, exchange immigrants that truly want to be American for those Americans that don’t.


Danica Collins 08-07-2016

What began this past Thursday ends today.

An annual event. An opportunity to add to the accumulation of things you didn’t know you needed. Or, to thin out the collection of that which you’ve discovered you don’t.

From Addison, Michigan to Gadsden, Alabama, U.S. Route 127 is host to the biggest yard sale, garage sale, barn sale, in the world. Whatever you want to call it, it’s the biggest.

It isn’t the only one, there are several other routes that have similar events, but this is the longest. It goes for mile after mile after mile; six hundred and ninety miles of stuff people want to sell. Stuff you might want to buy. Bring a truck, a trailer or a van.

Approximately 200 of those miles are here in Western Ohio. Rural Ohio, small town Ohio. Located among fields of soybeans and corn, the old road links every county seat of every Ohio county that shares a border with Indiana.

Are you looking to buy a used car or maybe an old fishing rod? You never know, there could be treasure. There could be. Hunters by the hundreds, by the thousands, by the millions, take short vacations this time of year. Not to see our soybeans or our corn, but to search for our treasure.

I have an old fishing rod!