Scholars debate the cause of our world’s affairs. Solutions to its’ problems. They place their faith in the wisdom of men. Yet, the problems persist. Perhaps the answers will be found in the near future, a future of artificial wisdom.

I don’t have great wisdom; I’m not artificial. I know I can’t solve the world’s problems; it’s a struggle just dealing with my own. I place my faith in the wisdom of God. God isn’t found through human brilliance. God is found in the nonsense of Love. God is Love!

Hearing that Jesus died to save them sounds like foolishness to those who have no faith in Love.



Danica Collins 06-08-2016

We all have a part that’s been given us to play.

“Given,” that’s what I believe; I believe in a creator. Many have a similar belief, others don’t. I might not be correct. I know I’m not politically correct. To be politically correct I’d have to be silent; silent like a mouse. 

I’d have to be willing to erase my name from the book of life. 

Even among those of us who do believe there are variations of opinion, in purpose and result.

We share history, but the nature of God defined by Islam is not the nature of my God. My God’s Holy Spirit does not guide me to hate. My God had a son who gave His Word of Love, mercy, forgiveness and salvation.

Allah may be a more accurate name for God, I could easily convert to the use of that name. But, if I did I’d be misunderstood because the god of Islam has no son. The Jesus of Islam professes that what was told to me was a lie; now he claims to tell the truth. It’s too late. I gave a vow, I am wed to Christ. A vow to my God is no minor thing. To break it would be adultery.

The Jesus of Islam sends “jihadi junkies” to correct his mistake. The mistake of having lied to me about Love, mercy and forgiveness. These aren’t Christ’s disciples that tell of hope, but assassins whose minds are fogged by dope.

The Jesus of Islam doesn’t Love me.



Danica Collins 06-01-2016

In 1875, a zoo was established. Today, it’s the second oldest in the United States. I’ve been there a few times, it isn’t far away.

You may have heard or possibly even read. It was there that last Saturday they killed a gorilla. They took a gun and shot him dead. It isn’t typical of what they do. Even though they love their animals concern for the life of a four year old child was the reason why.

Hundreds of thousands outraged, they tweet. That’s what they do, they tweet that the management is incompetent, such a “stupid” child, the parents should be shot.

Have you ever made a mistake? Are you willing to own up to it?

A hypothetical question, I’m not asking for an answer. I wouldn’t be qualified to judge.

I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes; many that I’d even classify as sins. They aren’t your mistakes; they belong to me.

If I didn’t make mistakes I wouldn’t need Christ’s mercy. I wouldn’t need to speak to Him.

It’s understandable that those who never make mistakes would never talk to Him. It would be a distraction, it would limit the time available for tweeting. Besides, with so much in common, He’d likely find the conversation rather boring.


A person who has not yet found or who has rejected faith in God’s Truth is transcendent and confused because the laws of God are not subjective. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. – Proverbs 14:12

I don’t think of myself as religious in a traditional sense. I don’t participate in organized ceremony. I don’t have membership in a church. To quote a Bible verse, such as I did above, I have to refer to the text. I’m not saying any of that is a good thing, I’m just describing me.

What I am is a member of “The Church.” I place my faith in Christ, the way of Christ is my religion.

If you watched her testimony, her other videos or read her blog you’ll learn that Beth came to faith along a different path. I don’t know her and her perspective is not identical to mine. Although we may not think exactly the same, all True Christians are sinners who now share Love for God, we have faith that Jesus is God’s Christ.

Oh! — And another thing — We Love You too!

I could have a dozen Bibles, quote them verse for verse from memory. I could string a cross around my neck, bless babies and small dogs. That would all be fine, maybe even Good, but you are the key, you put acid to the test.

The tell is that any one claiming to be Christian who doesn’t Love You is not a Christian; they still live in darkness.

They are morally confused!


Danica Collins 05-14-2016

Some don’t wish to see the Commandments of Exodus 20:14 displayed in public. The Commandments that are the foundation upon which my country’s laws were built. God’s Commandments regarding murder – false witness – honor of parents – theft, they may not be so bothered by those. My guess is it might be number seven.

I think number seven troubles quite a few. Unfaithfulness, unfaithfulness in marriage, unfaithfulness to God. Vows given, vows broken.  “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

There was a Bible published in London in 1631 that the State ordered destroyed. It is sometimes called “The Sinner’s Bible.” In the Sinner’s Bible, the Seventh Commandment reads “Thou shalt commit adultery.”

Ten copies are believed to have survived. They are highly prized and several are displayed to the public without complaint.


Danica Collins -Shame

Photograph: Steve Schofield for the Guardian

In an interview published by the Guardian, the former White House intern Monica Lewinsky who twenty years ago engaged in an adulteress affair with President Bill Clinton stated that “shame sticks to you like tar.”

Twenty years ago! 

Ms. Lewinsky is fortunate to have felt shame; many don’t. She’s wiser than she was; many aren’t. Shame can cause us to reflect on our bad behavior, to regret, to repent and want forgiveness.

I don’t know if Ms. Lewinsky has given it a try but Christ makes a good tar remover.

“Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said,“All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.

When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman,“Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

“No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” – John 8:4-11



Danica Collins 04-20-2016

At some recent conference, I’m not sure what kind of a conference it was; Paul Kivel, an activist author made the claim that all bad things in the world, from racism to global warming, are the fault of Christian ideology. 

All bad things.

I have to confess that until yesterday I’d never read anything Paul Kivel had written or knew who he was. — I do now.

Mr. Kivel may be on to something because the same day I read of a bad thing that had happened in China’s Henan province. Something that was without question the fault of Christian ideology.

It seems there was a piece of property being poorly used as a Christian Church. So the government sent a demolition team to bulldoze the Church to make way for progressive development.  The Church’s leader Li Jiangong and his wife Ding Cuimei tried to stop them. One of the workers shouted “bury them alive” and the couple was pushed into a pit.

They can bury Christians alive or dead, but they will never be successful in burying Christian ideology.