The most distant star, so far observed, is said to be nine billion light-years from Earth.

A day of light from that star, seen today, occurred nine billion years ago. The star itself may no longer exist.

It’s apparent to me that I don’t know very much.

The gaps in my understanding are filled with faith in Love. I think those without faith must have a good deal more knowledge. Otherwise, when the weather turns foul it could get rather drafty.

I believe in design and creation; however, I see no reason why a design could not have been created to evolve. I just don’t see how it could evolve if it was never created.




Life presents us with a lot of questions.

There’s so much noise, it may be difficult to hear.

Life asks: do you believe in Goodness; have faith in what your eyes can not see?

Isn’t it peculiar that it asks for Love as if we were its’ child?

Would you prefer that Goodness set you free?

I have a choice.

Am I willing to put my trust in Goodness or is there something else I’d rather be?


Danica Collins 10-26-15

Owl Photo by Brad Wilson

Even those who make a single subject the focus of their life will never know all there is to know about that subject. They may be the leading authority, they may know more than anyone else but there will remain things they don’t know.  

For the human race knowledge is boundless; there will always be something new to learn. 

For my Creator, the Creator of all things, the application is infinite but knowledge is finite.    

It is only God who knows everything, to those who think themselves too wise to believe I would say: you don’t.

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26