It’s Laurel! How can others not hear what I hear? The explanation for the phenomenon is said to be in how we perceive sound frequencies.

When God’s Word speaks to my heart I hear Love and forgiveness. However, those tuned to another frequency, hear intolerance and judgment.

It’s true, my God is intolerant and judgmental when it comes to right and wrong; Good and evil.

God speaks to me about my behavior. Although He is intolerant of my wrongdoing, His Word says He Loves me and is willing to forgive and forget if I have the sincere desire to change.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t hear what I hear?


Danica Collins 08-05-2017

In the book of Romans Paul says no one really follows God’s laws, that no one even truly wants to.

That’s because none of us are “Good.” Ministers, priests, rabbis, imans, swamis, that guy who risked his life to save two kids and a dog from a burning house, — NONE! None includes you and more to the point, it includes me.

I’ve never had any difficulty finding fault with others. Truth forces me to concede that I’m no better. But, surely the Pope, the Dalai Lama, some of us must be good enough.

Unfortunately, there is no door marked “good enough.” To enter a world without evil I have to be without sin.

I know His laws; that knowledge warns me that judgment isn’t going to rule in my favor.

If that’s the case, I might as well believe in nothing. I’m just another grain of sand washed upon an endless beach. Life is pointless.

I’d need a substantial supply of opioids to pursue that line of thought.

I do have purpose. I know I’m not Good, but I know where it comes from, I know where to find it.

That old book tells me there is a way. A way to avoid judgment. The way to gain entry is to be declared “not guilty.”

I have faith in the Love and Mercy of “The Way.”