
The event known as Boston’s Great Molasses Flood occurred on January 15, 1919. Twenty-one people died when a huge tank ruptured and sent a 45 foot wave of sticky syrup into the streets at an estimated 35 miles per hour. Buildings fell, horses fell, people fell and drowned. It was one of those things no one would have anticipated.

It’s not likely that even in their wildest nightmare any of those victims dreamed that life would end in such a bizarre way. When they awoke that day I imagine they expected it would be like any other.

Chaos, the nemesis of order, gives strength to the argument that existence is nothing more than chance, life has no purpose or reason. What is, just is.

I might accept that everything is determined by chance if all I had were old books and folktales to tell me otherwise. However, within me I find a source that says there’s more than chance. It isn’t religion that I find, what I find is knowledge of Good and evil. I know part of me is Good, I know part of me is not. That knowledge is not there by chance.

It’s undeniable that there is chaos, there will be the unexpected. Perhaps chance has something to do with our having been given free will. Nature runs its course and we have choices to make in how we navigate the channels.

Mistakes will be made and when we make them we need to change direction.

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